Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Favorite Wrestler

Who is your favorite wrestler? Mine is Rey Mysterio, owner of the 619!

Marshmellow Mush

1 pkg marshmellows
1 pkg of gummy worms
1 pkg of smashed up gold fish
1 bag of Dr. Pepper flavored Jelly Beans from John's store (United)
1 Cotton Candy Blizzard from DQ

Mix it all together and you are done.

Mr. Tough

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Favorite Drake and Josh Episodes

I like the episode where Drake and Josh's little sister Megan, has a telescope that she likes. Her brother's trick her by putting something weird in her telescope. She thinks its aliens but it's really her brothers in suits and masks. And then when they take off their masks real aliens come. The aliens turn out to be friends with Megan and this scares away Drake and Josh and Megan gets proud.